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The Crucial Role Video Plays in Family Law Marketing

Laptop with Video Editing Software
Family Law

Video is the best way to establish your expertise, build trust, and start forming a personal bond with potential clients.

Seriously...a well-produced video can transform someone from a tire kicker to retained client in as little as 90 seconds.

Three reasons you need to seriously consider video marketing

1. Videos Drive Traffic

Most videos are posted to YouTube, and because Google owns YouTube, it surfaces search-optimized videos in organic search results.

What’s more, Google classifies video as high-quality content, so websites that feature good videos appear higher in searches for family law firms in your market. In fact, Hubspot says video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search results than plain text.

This has a compounding effect… your website ranks higher because it features video AND your videos surface alongside your website in Google searches, pushing your firm higher in organic search results and your competitors lower.

In other words, more videos = more website traffic, so make sure your website is good.

2. Videos Generate Leads

You want an investment in marketing and advertising to bring more clients to your firm, and few mediums do that as effectively as video. In fact, embedding a video on your website can increase conversion rates by 80%.

So whether you want viewers to sign up for your emails, request a phone call or view other videos, publishing high-quality, informative videos will drive more conversions.

3. Videos Build Trust

In family law, building trust is crucial. And videos help build trust and establish a personal connection faster than any other channel. Think about it this way. When people watch your video they’ve got one thing in mind: should I hire you as my lawyer?

Before making this decision, they want to learn more about you, understand your expertise and figure out if they can trust you. And they want this information quickly.

A well-produced video can convey this information in a matter of minutes – expediting the sales cycle and bringing you more clients faster.

What Type of Video Should You Make?

Now that you understand the benefits of video, let’s examine the different types.

Top firms publish a mix of video. Each serves a unique function in the marketing process.

Brand videos – These flagship videos introduce your firm to prospective clients. Brand videos tend to be longer and provide an overview of who you are and what you do. These are perfect for your home page and sharing on social media. Because they offer a preview of your working relationship, take care to portray your firm as professional, knowledgeable and approachable.

Client videos and testimonials – These shorter videos showcase your expertise by putting customers in the spotlight. Testimonials are generally more persuasive than brand videos and belong in your video mix to demonstrate your ability to get clients what they want.

Educational videos – People who watch law-related videos have a problem to solve. Publishing informative videos on frequently-searched subjects is a great way to establish your expertise and build a positive report. These don’t require over-the-top production quality but at a minimum should be recorded and edited using professional equipment.

Get Started With Video

These days, people prefer to watch a video about a service than read about it.

Videos show prospective clients what it would be like to work with you. They also provide the added benefits of higher search rankings, driving website views, increasing conversions and forming a personal connection with viewers.

While production quality and choosing the right video type are important considerations, equally important is what you do with the videos.

Working with a partner that specializes in family law is a great advantage, as unlike general video marketing agencies, we understand your industry and the best ways to maximize your return on investment.

Read more about how Scorpion helps law firms with video. And contact us today to get started!